About Perun

Energy trading without limits throughout Poland

Peer-to-peer trading - selling energy generated by a renewable energy prosumer or collective renewable energy prosumer to other users of the system


Buy Energy

Directly from Polish prosumers at a price without huge intermediaries

Sell Energy

Without worrying about contracts, disconnection from the grid, or finding customers

Secure energy supplies

Thanks to relying on a broad community and our advanced systems, the risk of supply loss or long-term balancing is minimized

For Sellers

Earn on energy without intermediaries

If you sell, or would like to start selling electricity, Perun is for you! As part of partner trading on the Perun platform, you will be able to sell your electricity throughout Poland, without incurring tens of percent intermediary costs. Our innovative system will help you create and list your offer for auctions for free.

Your profits will be available once your meter status is confirmed and the auction is settled - this means an end to months of waiting.
For Buyers

Buy energy cheaper

If you own a business or are an individual consumer, Perun will help you buy green energy directly from producers at a lower cost. Our auction system guarantees that you will always get a low price, and you won't have to pay costly margins to intermediaries.

You don't have to negotiate new contracts, our suppliers have a sales agreement under Perun.
You don't have to switch from your current supplier - you buy when the price suits you.

Perun - Step by Step

Here you will find steps to start earning with Perun.

Contact us

Register on the Perun platform

Follow the instructions and register your account - this will give you access to the internal part of the platform and allow you to proceed to the next step.

Fill in the documents

Follow the instructions and provide us with the necessary documents - including consent to read meters.

Perun activates your account

Upon receiving the necessary permissions and accesses, Perun will activate your account and the indicated energy consumption points. From this moment, you are a full participant in partner trading and can participate in auctions.

Take part in auctions on the platform!

Choose when, how much, and for how much you would like to sell or buy energy. Auctions allow settlements by the hour, so if you would like to trade energy only for part of the day or part of the year - you can!

(If you are a buyer) Receive energy

To participate in an auction, buyers must have funds to guarantee its settlement. When the auction ends and the offer is accepted, a commitment will be created on the suppliers' side - note that there may be more than one. They will generate the energy you will use.

(If you are a seller) Receive profit from sales

After registering the energy consumption point and activating the account, you will be able to participate in auctions - this will allow you to sell energy on your terms for a price that is acceptable to you.

Our history

How does peer-to-peer trading work

Perun is the first fully automated partner trading platform in Poland. This means that we enable the purchase of energy directly from green energy producers without costly intermediaries. Our unique auction system maximizes the chances of matching purchase and sale offers, and automatic assistants allow participation in auctions without continuous supervision.

Unlike previous solutions where one buyer buys only from one seller, Perun allows buying from multiple smaller sellers, which diversifies supply risks and prevents abuse of market position by large entities.


Discover our mission!

Our mission is to reduce the financial burden on prosumers and electricity consumers - we believe that the profits from energy circulation should be in the hands of those who produce it, not costly intermediaries. We oppose solutions that harm the interests of prosumers and strive for a safe and stable energy in Poland.


Frequently asked questions

For any other questions, feel welcome to reach out to our team.

Who can join Perun?
How much does it cost to register?
Do I need to terminate current energy sales contracts?
Do I need a government concession to sell energy?
What is peer-to-peer trading?
Will Perun be profitable for me?

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